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8PM, Aerin, 2021.

24"x24", acrylic on canvas.


I don't have any in progress pictures for this one because I went on winter break while I was painting it, and having a schedule disruption messes me up and usually results in me forgetting to take pictures. I made a lot of thumbnails, though, because I sort of liked this composition but there was something about it that just wasn't appealing enough. I still feel kind of "meh" about the end product compared to some of my other paintings. But, I figure, with 17 paintings, they can't all be my favorite and that's okay. 

Sketches in a sketchbook. There are two thumbnails which are nearly the same. They both show a streetlight in the centre with trees behind it and roads in front and to the right side. The road the right side also has streetlights lining it. One is just lines and one is shaded to make the sky and trees appear dark. There are two written notes with arrows pointing at the lined thumbnail. They read "pink sky" and "headlights".
A photograph of a streetlight in front of a row of trees. The sky is dark blue. The streetlight bathes everything around it in orange light.
Sketches in a sketchbook. There are three thumbnails. One with a tree on the right side and textural marks at the bottom. Two of them are nearly the same, a streetlight in the centre with trees behind it and roads in front and to the right side. One of the drawings also has more streetlights on the right side. There is also some blue paint in between the thumbnails.

Download the image to see it in its highest quality!

This piece is pretty similar to a few other pieces I made, and it's also partially based off a photo. I made this painting after I came up with the composition of 2020 but couldn't work on it because I didn't have a suitable canvas. It's very similar in color scheme and with the way I depicted the trees. It's also conceptually similar to 2019, because this is also a section of the road that led to the house I lived in while I painted 2019. The composition was from the picture I took, though. The lone street light with trees was so cool. I decided to add in the road that is cut off in the picture. I also put some blue lights in to the final piece that are meant to be coming from headlights because 2019 has headlights and I wanted to reference that. 

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